The Unholy War – Spanish PDF

The Unholy War – Spanish PDF170 DownloadsThis small book compares the three primary interpretations of Daniel 11:40-45. The author, Pastor John Witcombe, believes that a correct interpretation of the phrase, King of the South in verse 40, is the key to unlocking Daniel 11. The first presenter at a Daniel 11 Prophecy Symposium in 2011 […]

One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF

One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF268 DownloadsAuthor: John C. Witcombe “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19. Those devils do indeed tremble with rage when the missionaries of the cross dare to proclaim belief in this one God: “Let the missionaries of […]

The Great Controversy – ePUB

The Great Controversy – ePUB156 DownloadsThere is an irreconcilable controversy between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, wrong and right, death and life. This book is not published to tell us that there is sin and woe and misery in this world. We know it all too well. This book is not published to tell […]

Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – ePUB

Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – ePUB165 Downloads An Ancient Bible Prophecy Reveals the Agenda of Today’s Determined Islam Islam—the world’s second-largest religion—has big plans. Its goal? Nothing less than to bring the nations of this world under the influence of Islam and the rule of its sharia law. Beginning in A.D. 632, the […]

Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – PDF

Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – PDF244 Downloads An Ancient Bible Prophecy Reveals the Agenda of Today’s Determined Islam Islam—the world’s second-largest religion—has big plans. Its goal? Nothing less than to bring the nations of this world under the influence of Islam and the rule of its sharia law. Beginning in A.D. 632, the […]

The Unholy War – PDF

The Unholy War – PDF288 DownloadsThis small book compares the three primary interpretations of Daniel 11:40-45. The author, Pastor John Witcombe, believes that a correct interpretation of the phrase, King of the South in verse 40, is the key to unlocking Daniel 11. Download PDFSize: 811 KBVersion: PDF

The Final Conflict – PDF

The Final Conflict – PDF0 DownloadsEarth’s Last Great Struggle Between Light and Darkness DOWNLOAD PDFSize: 1.9 MBVersion: PDF

Eastern Question Affirmed – ePUB

Eastern Question Affirmed – ePUB153 DownloadsThis small book presents three significant statements from Ellen White that the author believes confirms the “literal Turkey view” of Daniel 11:40-45, which was the view presented by our denomination for over 80 years. This prophetic presentation was known as the “Eastern Question in Bible Prophecy” lecture. John Witcombe is […]