The Unholy War – Spanish PDF

The Unholy War – Spanish PDF203 DownloadsThis small book compares the three primary interpretations of Daniel 11:40-45. The author, Pastor John Witcombe, believes that a correct interpretation of the phrase, King of the South in verse 40, is the key to unlocking Daniel 11. The first presenter at a Daniel 11 Prophecy Symposium in 2011 […]

One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF

One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF311 DownloadsAuthor: John C. Witcombe “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19. Those devils do indeed tremble with rage when the missionaries of the cross dare to proclaim belief in this one God: “Let the missionaries of […]


Proposal219 Downloads Proposal By Ken LeBrun In a telephone conversation on February 1, 2016, I was offered an opportunity to submit a document to the Upper Columbia Conference for consideration. I was specifically directed to address the following two points: Download PDFSize: 85 KBVersion: PDF

The Authority of the General Conference in Session

The Authority of the General Conference in Session241 DownloadsThe Authority of the General Conference in Session Ellen White makes it clear that the General Conference in Session is God’s highest authority on earth. Download PDFSize: 116 KBVersion: PDF