The Unholy War – Spanish PDF
The Unholy War – Spanish PDF263 DownloadsThis small book compares the three primary interpretations of Daniel 11:40-45. The author, Pastor John Witcombe, believes that a correct interpretation of the phrase, King of the South in verse 40, is the key to unlocking Daniel 11. The first presenter at a Daniel 11 Prophecy Symposium in 2011 provided a figurative (symbolic) interpretation of this phrase, teaching that the king of the south is a figure for atheism. The second presenter also gave a figurative interpretation of this phrase, teaching that it is a figure for Islam. The third presenter (John Witcombe) took Uriah Smith’s position. In his book, Daniel and the Revelation, Smith takes this phrase, king of the south, “as it reads” and explains it “according to its obvious meaning,” giving a literal interpretation, teaching that the king of the south was literally the king or civil leader of Egypt, which was the southern geographical region of Alexander’s divided Empire. For more information on the topic of this book, go to Download PDFSize: 2.2 MBVersion: PDF
One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF
One God One Church – Spanish Version PDF370 DownloadsAuthor: John C. Witcombe “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19. Those devils do indeed tremble with rage when the missionaries of the cross dare to proclaim belief in this one God: “Let the missionaries of the cross proclaim that there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, who is Jesus Christ the Son of the Infinite God. This needs to be proclaimed throughout every church in our land.” {Ms. 40, 1891} The one God of the Bible has but one church: “There is but one church in the world who are at the present time standing in the breach…” {Ms. 139, 1901} If we leave this one church—the Seventh-day Adventist Church—and start a new organization, as many anti-Trinitarians are now doing, we apostatize from the truth: “We cannot now enter into any new organization, for this would mean apostasy from the truth.” {Ms. 129, 1905} Descargar PDFSize: 2.6 MBVersion: PDF
The Great Controversy – ePUB
The Great Controversy – ePUB213 DownloadsThere is an irreconcilable controversy between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, wrong and right, death and life. This book is not published to tell us that there is sin and woe and misery in this world. We know it all too well. This book is not published to tell us that there is an irreconcilable controversy between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, wrong and right, death and life. In our heart of hearts we know it, and know that we are participators, actors, in the conflict. But to every one of us comes at times a longing to know more of the great controversy. How did the controversy begin? Or was it always here? What elements enter into its awfully complex aspect? How am I related to it? What is my responsibility? I find myself in this world by no choice of my own. Does that mean to me evil or good? What are the great principles involved? How long will the controversy continue? What will be its ending? Will this earth sink, as some scientists say, into the depths of a sunless, frozen, eternal night? Or is there a better future? The question comes closer still: How may the controversy in my own heart, the strife between inflowing selfishness and outgoing love, be settled in the victory of good, and settled forever? What does the Bible say? What has God to teach us about this eternally important question? It is the aim of this book, reader, to help the troubled soul to a right solution of all these problems. It is written by one who has tasted and found that God is good, and who has learned in communion with God and the study of his word that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and that He will show them His covenant. Download ePUBVersion: ePUB
Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – ePUB
Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – ePUB256 Downloads An Ancient Bible Prophecy Reveals the Agenda of Today’s Determined Islam Islam—the world’s second-largest religion—has big plans. Its goal? Nothing less than to bring the nations of this world under the influence of Islam and the rule of its sharia law. Beginning in A.D. 632, the entire Muslim world was ruled by a single leader called a caliph. But on March 3, 1924, after 1,292 years, the caliphate was abolished. Today, though, many Muslims envision a coming worldwide Islamic Super-state—and they are determined to reestablish the caliphate and vow that it will be planted in Jerusalem. Twice in its long history, Islam has dramatically expanded its reach in the world through aggressive Jihads—bringing huge areas of earth’s territory under Islamic control using all means necessary, including military conquest. Evidence is increasing that Islam is poised to launch a third Jihad to once again expand its dominion. A Jerusalem caliphate? A third Jihad? According to an ancient Bible prophecy, the answer to both questions is Yes. A reasonable and commonsense interpretation of that prophecy makes clear that Islam will indeed achieve its Jerusalem caliphate and set in motion its third Jihad: “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain. . .” Daniel 11:45. What does this prophecy mean? And what will happen when the Muslim world—now 1.6 billion strong—unites under a restored caliphate in Jerusalem? The answers are set forth in the pages of this compelling book. John Witcombe, an avid student of history and Bible prophecy, discovered a forgotten prophetic view of Islam in a 19th-century book entitled Daniel and the Revelation—a view that has significant relevance for those of us living in the 21st century. “Hidden in plain sight” in the 11th chapter of Old Testament Daniel, the author is convinced that Islam’s present and future role is there clearly revealed. Witcombe is a pastor who has worked in Ireland and in the Pacific Northwest. He and his wife, Sharon, are now experiencing the joys of being grandparents. Download ePUBSize: 8.3 MBVersion: ePUB
Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – PDF
Jerusalem Caliphate and the Third Jihad – PDF375 Downloads An Ancient Bible Prophecy Reveals the Agenda of Today’s Determined Islam Islam—the world’s second-largest religion—has big plans. Its goal? Nothing less than to bring the nations of this world under the influence of Islam and the rule of its sharia law. Beginning in A.D. 632, the entire Muslim world was ruled by a single leader called a caliph. But on March 3, 1924, after 1,292 years, the caliphate was abolished. Today, though, many Muslims envision a coming worldwide Islamic Super-state—and they are determined to reestablish the caliphate and vow that it will be planted in Jerusalem. Twice in its long history, Islam has dramatically expanded its reach in the world through aggressive Jihads—bringing huge areas of earth’s territory under Islamic control using all means necessary, including military conquest. Evidence is increasing that Islam is poised to launch a third Jihad to once again expand its dominion. A Jerusalem caliphate? A third Jihad? According to an ancient Bible prophecy, the answer to both questions is Yes. A reasonable and commonsense interpretation of that prophecy makes clear that Islam will indeed achieve its Jerusalem caliphate and set in motion its third Jihad: “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain. . .” Daniel 11:45. What does this prophecy mean? And what will happen when the Muslim world—now 1.6 billion strong—unites under a restored caliphate in Jerusalem? The answers are set forth in the pages of this compelling book. John Witcombe, an avid student of history and Bible prophecy, discovered a forgotten prophetic view of Islam in a 19th-century book entitled Daniel and the Revelation—a view that has significant relevance for those of us living in the 21st century. “Hidden in plain sight” in the 11th chapter of Old Testament Daniel, the author is convinced that Islam’s present and future role is there clearly revealed. Witcombe is a pastor who has worked in Ireland and in the Pacific Northwest. He and his wife, Sharon, are now experiencing the joys of being grandparents. Download PDFSize: 7.7 MBVersion: PDF
Daniel & the Revelation – PDF
Daniel & the Revelation – PDF445 DownloadsAuthor: Uriah Smith Now Available! Contact us for FREE paperback version. [email protected] What is God? Is He too mysterious to be understood? What can we know for certain about Him? “From my girlhood I have been given plain instruction that God is a person, and that Christ is ‘the express image of His person.’” Ellen G. White Manuscript 137, 1903 This book is written to encourage simple, childlike confidence in what God has plainly told us about Himself. Download PDFSize: 1.6 MBVersion: PDF
Daniel & the Revelation – ePUB
Daniel & the Revelation – ePUB560 DownloadsAuthor: Uriah Smith Now Available! Contact us for FREE paperback version. [email protected] What is God? Is He too mysterious to be understood? What can we know for certain about Him? “From my girlhood I have been given plain instruction that God is a person, and that Christ is ‘the express image of His person.’” Ellen G. White Manuscript 137, 1903 This book is written to encourage simple, childlike confidence in what God has plainly told us about Himself. Download ePUBSize: 4.7 MBVersion: ePUB
Not A Mystery – ePUB
Not A Mystery – ePUB296 DownloadsWhat is God? Is He too mysterious to be understood? What can we know for certain about Him? “From my girlhood I have been given plain instruction that God is a person, and that Christ is ‘the express image of His person.’” Ellen G. White Manuscript 137, 1903 This book is written to encourage simple, childlike confidence in what God has plainly told us about Himself. Download ePUBSize: 8.7 MBVersion: ePUB
Not A Mystery – PDF
Not A Mystery – PDF542 Downloads Understanding God What is God? Is He too mysterious to be understood? What can we know for certain about Him? “From my girlhood I have been given plain instruction that God is a person, and that Christ is ‘the express image of His person.’” Ellen G. White Manuscript 137, 1903 This book is written to encourage simple, childlike confidence in what God has plainly told us about Himself Download PDFSize: 1MBVersion: PDF
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – PDF
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – PDF341 DownloadsIt’s about a statue that God revealed in a night vision to King Nebuchadnezzar—the ancient Babylonian monarch. The account of his dream is recorded in the second chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel. Pictured on the front cover is a 36-FOOT TALL, chainsaw-carved replica of this intriguing stature, carved from a GIANT REDWOOD TREE*. In this booklet you will find a verse by verse commentary on Daniel 2. If you will take the time to read it, you will discover the coded message of this carved image. * This tree was removed doe to posing a hazard to a home. This pocket booklet is a revised version of Uriah Smith’s commentary on Daniel 2 and a brief commentary of the last six verses of Daniel 11. Download PDFSize: 1.6 MBVersion: PDF